All your questions. Anything else, please Contact Seb

How do I charge a SEB and how long does it take?
If you have access to a powerpoint you can charge up your SEB battery. All SEB bikes have batteries that can be unattached from the bike and taken inside to charge. The time taken to charge depends on the size and type of the battery. Some SEB’s have larger batteries for maximum distance and others are smaller to keep the weight down. Factor in an average of three to four hours for a full charge. Overnight is the most practical time to charge but there is no reason not to top up the charge during the day. All SEB’s have a charge indicator to let you know who much juice is left in the battery so you can plan your trip. Unlike a car, if you run out of juice, you can always just pedal!
The ideal and most environmentally sound way to charge the batteries is to charge up from a Green power provider from a solar array. That is what SEb headquarters uses and this way all energy being used to charge up the bikes is sourced from renewable and sustainable sources. Nice!
We do have some recommendations and guidelines to maximise the life of SEB batteries here.
You can find out more information about Green Power or Solar arrays here.
The ideal and most environmentally sound way to charge the batteries is to charge up from a Green power provider from a solar array. That is what SEb headquarters uses and this way all energy being used to charge up the bikes is sourced from renewable and sustainable sources. Nice!
We do have some recommendations and guidelines to maximise the life of SEB batteries here.
You can find out more information about Green Power or Solar arrays here.
What does it cost to charge a SEB?
The total cost to charge a SEb battery is less than 20 cents. Yes you read that correctly. Compare that to the cost of keeping a car on the road! That is not including the environmental cost of course.
How far will a SEB take me?
Your range is dependant on a range of factors but an average of 30 to 40km's is a good figure to base your trip on. The battery size is the main factor, the bigger the battey, the more juice and further it will take you. Some of our bikes will take you 50km's or more. Your weight also plays a part and the type of terrain you are riding.
It is important to emphasise that these distances are based on pedal assistance, not sitting on your butt and letting the SEB do all the work. Obviously if you only used the SEB to assist you on hills, and you only had a few hills on your journey, you could ride in excess of 100km. If your very fit that is!
It is important to emphasise that these distances are based on pedal assistance, not sitting on your butt and letting the SEB do all the work. Obviously if you only used the SEB to assist you on hills, and you only had a few hills on your journey, you could ride in excess of 100km. If your very fit that is!
Isn’t it lazy to ride an electric bike?
Most definitely not! Riding a SEB will get your heart rate up as high as you want. You will be able to travel about five times the difference of your average pedal powered ride so you will more than likely do the same if not more exercise on a SEB than a normal bike. The fact is, if riding a SEB gets you out on a bike and out of your car, your health will benefit. Anything that gets you in the saddle of a SEB is a step away from laziness.
Now before you start thinking that a SEB bike is for lazy people, think again!
You will get as hard a workout as you want, the pedal assistance is really just to take out the hardest parts of your journey, we don’t suggest you let the motor do all the work. In fact a recent international study has confirmed the health benefits of riding electric bikes.
You will go further and enjoy your ride more by only using the battery juice to level out your ride. Think of it like using an exercise bike at the gym, with a constant exertion.
You will get into shape without the need for gym membership or home routines. Just start using a SEB bike for all, or at least some, of your commuting.
Now before you start thinking that a SEB bike is for lazy people, think again!
You will get as hard a workout as you want, the pedal assistance is really just to take out the hardest parts of your journey, we don’t suggest you let the motor do all the work. In fact a recent international study has confirmed the health benefits of riding electric bikes.
You will go further and enjoy your ride more by only using the battery juice to level out your ride. Think of it like using an exercise bike at the gym, with a constant exertion.
You will get into shape without the need for gym membership or home routines. Just start using a SEB bike for all, or at least some, of your commuting.